Breast Reduction
Potential Complication Definitions
Haematoma – Blood can gather under the skin and cause a blood clot. If this does occur, Dr. Van Laeken can drain the area. Indications of a haematoma are a firm, painful lump that causes colour change in the skin. This rarely occurs after 48 hours post operatively.
Infection – A small percentage of women develop an infection around the implant. Signs of infection are localized heat, redness, fever, and pain. Dr. Van Laeken can prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. Occasionally the area will need to be drained. In some cases, the implant may need to be removed for several months until the infection clears. A new implant can then be inserted.
Changes in nipple – The sensation of the nipples could be altered temporarily or permanently. Nipples may become hypersensitive, or even numb. These symptoms usually disappear with time, but may be permanent in some patients.
Skin Loss (necrosis) – Poor circulation may cause necrosis to the fatty tissue and skin.
Keloid Scars – Keloid scars are thick, wide, or raised scars. Cortisone injections can help correct this, but occasionally the scar requires surgical revision to make it acceptable.
Asymmetry – It is not possible to guarantee a perfect match of the shape, volume, position of the breast, or size of the areolas.
Breast Feeding – This surgery rarely affects the ability to breast-feed.