Dr. Nancy Van Laeken M.D., F.R.C.S.C.



The blepharoplasty procedure is done to reduce the heaviness around the eyes. This can be associated with skin, fat, and muscle excess both to the upper and lower eyelids leaving patients with a tired appearance even though may feel well rested. The procedure is done on any age group. It is usually done under conscious sedation so a general anesthetic is not required. A two week recovery is necessary to allow for most of the bruising to dissipate. The scars will become very unnoticeable after approximately eight to twelve weeks.

Over time your eyelids can begin to look heavy as the skin stretches and loses its ability to withstand the pull of gravity. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is a surgical procedure aimed at giving your eyes a more youthful, rested appearance.

Who is a Candidate?

The best candidate for a blepharoplasty is someone who has developed noticeable pockets of fat in the lower lids, or excessive, redundant skin in the upper lids.

Preparation for Surgery

It is very important that Dr. Van Laeken is aware of the state of your general health prior to surgery. Please let her know of any allergies you have, medications, herbal supplements, or vitamins you are taking as well as the reasons for taking them. It is also important that you inform Dr. Van Laeken if you have a tendency for keloid scarring (thick, wide, or raised scars).

If you are a smoker we encourage you to quit prior to proceeding with a blepharoplasty. Smoking can interfere with the blood flow to the skin, and will inhibit the healing of the incisions.

Depending on your age as well as your general health pre-operative testing may be done, such as a blood test, an ECG, or an appointment with an opthalmologist.

It is important that you avoid taking vitamin E, anti-inflammatories or aspirin products for 2 weeks prior to surgery. These products are anti coagulants, and could lead to hematoma formation and bleeding during the surgery.


Dr. Van Laeken operates at several different hospitals, but generally performs blepharoplasties at either the False Creek Surgical Centre, or the Cambie Surgery Centre. These are both state of the art, fully accredited private surgical facilities.

The procedure can be performed under general anaesthesia, or sedation with local and usually takes approximately 1-1.5 hours.

The incision for the upper lid is made in the crease to follow the natural line of the eyelid. The excess skin is removed, and on occasion a small amount of fat is removed from the upper lid area.

The incision for the lower lids is made just under the lash line. If you have a bulge of fat under your lower lid, it is removed as well as any excess skin.

Both of the incisions will extend a bit beyond the corner of your eye. The incisions will be closed with sutures that should be removed 5-7 days post surgery.


There will be swelling and bruising. The bruising will diminish in 1-3 weeks. The swelling could take up to 4 weeks to disappear.

Most patients who have sedentary jobs plan to take 1 week off work. If your job involves a great deal of physical activity Dr. Van Laeken can advise you as to how much time you should take off.

When you arrive home Dr. Van Laeken recommends that you rest and try to keep your head elevated. It’s also a good idea to have cold compresses ready for when you arrive home. They will help to reduce bruising, swelling, and will help to keep you comfortable. It is also recommended that you sleep in a semi upright position for the first couple of days. You will be able to shower, but please do not let the water hit your face directly, or have the water too hot.

You will need to see Dr. Van Laeken 5-7 days post operatively to have the sutures removed.

It is crucial that after eyelid surgery you commit to wearing a sunscreen with a high SPF level, sun damage could cause hyper pigmentation.

The final results of the surgery will be evident at approximately 6 weeks post operatively.

Procedure Videos

Upper Eyelid
Lower Eyelid

Potential Complications

There are risks associated with any type of surgery. Although the incidence of complications is rare Dr. Van Laeken feels that all patients should be informed of the potential complications prior to proceeding with surgery.

  • Infection
  • Asymmetry
  • Hypersensitivity/numbness
  • Swelling
  • Keloid scarring
  • Ectropion or inability to close eyes completely.
  • Irritation or eye dryness of the eyes or the lids with tearing can be expected and can persist for some time.
  • Double vision and blindness can occur in rare cases.

Read definitions of potential complications.


View before and after photos

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Email: info@vanlaeken.com